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Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy

Aitori LLC (hereinafter referred to as "we" or the "Company") recognizes the protection of personal information as a significant responsibility. For individuals and corporations (hereinafter referred to as "Users") utilizing "Aitori" (hereinafter referred to as "the Service"), the personal information of customers will be collected and handled with meticulous attention in accordance with the privacy policy established by the Company.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Within this service, "personal information" refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific person, including, but not limited to, name, nickname, phone number, email address, profile picture, facial recognition information, and user photos.

2. Purpose of Collection, Retention, and Use of Personal Information

Within this service, we will lawfully and fairly collect, retain, and use personal information for the following purposes. Except when the user's consent is obtained or when permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other applicable laws, we will not use the acquired personal information beyond the scope necessary for achieving the following purposes:
(1) To provide this service.
(2) To ensure a secure and safe environment for using this service.
(3) For the operation and management of this service.
(4) For research, data accumulation, and development related to this service and other services provided by our company.
(5) To send information about products and services recommended by our company.
(6) For other purposes agreed upon between our company and the user.
For purposes related to (1) through (6).

3. Processing and Retention Period of Personal Information

(1) Our company will process and retain personal information within the period specified by law or within the period necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
(2) The processing and retention periods for each category of personal information are as follows:
1. Member registration and management: Until the member withdraws. However, if the following reasons apply, until the end of the relevant reason:
i. If an investigation, survey, etc., is ongoing due to a violation of related laws until the conclusion of such investigation or survey.
ii. If there are outstanding rights and obligations related to service usage, until the settlement of such rights and obligations.
2. Provision of goods or services: Until the provision of goods or services is completed or the service usage is terminated.
3. Complaint handling: Until the complaint handling is completed.
4. Other cases where the retention period is specified by other laws: Until the end of the specified period.

4. Procedures for Correction, Addition, and Deletion of Personal Information

If a user requests the correction, addition, or deletion of their personal information based on the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law, we will confirm that the request is from the user, conduct necessary investigations promptly within the scope required to achieve the purpose of use, and correct, add, or delete the information based on the results. We will notify the user of the correction, addition, or deletion.

For corrections, additions, or deletions of personal information, please contact us via the app's "Inquiry" or

5. Scope of Application of this Privacy Policy

(1) This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by our company (including websites and apps), but if the nature of the service is different, a privacy policy specific to that service may apply.
(2) This Privacy Policy does not apply when collecting personal information from other websites linked to our services or from websites visited by users that link to our services.

6. Changes to the Privacy Policy and Notifications

If there are additions, deletions, or modifications to the content of this Privacy Policy, we will notify users in advance through "Notices" at least 7 days before the revision. In cases where there are significant changes to user rights, such as changes to the items of collected personal information or the purpose of use, we may obtain user consent again.

7. How to contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or if you have any questions, complaints, or consultations regarding the handling of user information in this service, please contact us via the app's "Inquiry" or

14th floor, Hibiya Central Building, 1-2-9 Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Aitori LLC
Privacy Policy Officer

This Privacy Policy is effective from December 12, 2023.



1. 個人情報とは


2. 個人情報の取得・保有・利用目的

上記 (1) から (6) に附随する目的のため。

3. 個人情報の処理および保有期間

一 関係法令違反による捜査、調査等が進行中の場合には、当該捜査、調査終了時まで
二 サービス利用による債権、債務関係残存時は当該債権、債務関係精算時まで
3.苦情処理 : 苦情処理が完了するまで

4. 個人情報の訂正・追加・削除の手続について

個人情報の訂正・追加・削除につきましては、アプリの「問い合わせ」または までご連絡ください。

5. このプライバシーポリシーの適用範囲


6. プライバシーポリシーの変更および告知

本プライバシーポリシーの内容の追加、削除および修正があった場合、改定の最低7日前に「お知らせ」を通じて事前にお知らせいたします。 また、収集する個人情報の項目、利用目的の変更などのように利用者の権利の重大な変更が発生する場合、利用者の同意を再び得ることがあります。

7. お問合せ方法

本プライバシーポリシーに関してご不明な点がある場合、本サービスにおける利用者情報の取扱いに関するご質問·苦情·ご相談等がある場合は、アプリの「問い合わせ」または よりご連絡ください。

東京都港区西新橋1-2-9 日比谷セントラルビル14階
