Aitori provides multilingual Terms of Service. Please select the title in the language you would like to view.

Terms of Service


Terms of Service

This Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms") shall govern the use of the Aitori service provided by Aitori LLC (hereinafter referred to as "we" or the "Company"). These Terms apply to the use of all information, text, graphics, photos, or other materials uploaded, downloaded, or displayed on the service.
If you do not agree to these Terms, you cannot use the service, so please carefully read the contents of these Terms.
Before using the service, you must read and understand these Terms and agree to them.
You can only use the service after agreeing to these Terms.

1. Contract with the Company

Our Privacy Policy, which regulates the collection and use of information provided by you to us, applies to all information you provide. By using the service, you agree to the collection, use, and transfer of information to Japan and/or other countries for storage, processing, and use, including the (described in the Privacy Policy) collection and use of information by us. As part of the service, we may send specific communications, such as service notices and administrative messages, and such communications are considered part of the service and your service account, and you cannot refuse to receive them.

2. Protection of Personal Information

We post our Privacy Policy separately from these Terms and obtain separate consent for the Privacy Policy. By agreeing to the Privacy Policy, you agree to the collection, use, and sharing of information by the service as described in the Privacy Policy.

3. User Content

This service is comprised of interactive features and elements that allow users to create, post, transmit, or store content, including but not limited to photos, videos, or other materials (collectively referred to as "User Content"). You understand that you are responsible for all data usage fees incurred by using the service. You agree to bear all responsibility for your User Content and any claims arising from it, and you agree that we are not responsible for any User Content or claims arising from it. While we reserve the right to review, confirm, or delete User Content for any reason at any time, we have no obligation to do so. You retain all intellectual property rights and other rights to your User Content.

4. Aitori Content

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all material included in the service, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, code, illustrations, designs, icons, photos, videos, and written and other materials (collectively referred to as "Aitori Content"), is protected by copyright law, trademark law, design law, patent law, and other intellectual property laws. Unauthorized use of Aitori Content may violate the law and these Terms. Except as expressly provided in these Terms, we do not grant explicit or implied rights to the use of Aitori Content. You agree not to reproduce, replicate, reprint, frame, download, transfer, modify, display, reverse engineer, lend, lease, transfer, distribute, permit, or sublicense all or any part of Aitori Content, the service, or related software, except as expressly permitted in these Terms. You are granted a limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and use the service and Aitori Content in accordance with these Terms. We reserve the right to cancel this license at any time. Additionally, this license does not include permission for the following: - Distribution, performance, or public display of Aitori Content - Modification or derivative use of the service or Aitori Content or any part thereof - Access to Aitori API using unauthorized clients or third-party clients - Use of the service or Aitori Content for purposes other than their intended purpose - Use of any service or Aitori Content not specifically permitted in these Terms without our prior written permission

5. Prohibited Activities

In addition to other restrictions described in these Terms, the following actions are prohibited:
- Using the service for illegal, unauthorized, or prohibited purposes, as defined in these Terms or in third-party terms regulating specific services
- Damaging, disabling, overloading, or impairing the full use of the service by other users through means or service features that cause disruption, interference, negative effects, or constraints
- Harming the security of the service
- Sending unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, spam, solicitations, or promotional materials
- Accessing the service or extracting data using robots, spiders, crawlers, scrapers, or other automation means or interfaces not provided by us
- Circumventing measures taken to prevent or limit access to the source code of the service or to specific areas, content, or code
- Unauthorized use or attempted use of another user's account
- Attempting to circumvent our content filtering technology or attempting to access service areas or features without access rights
- Attempting to imply any affiliation with us, or that a product or service is endorsed by us, without our prior written consent
- Insulting, threatening, attacking, or stalking
- Impersonating specific individuals or entities, making false statements about relationships with specific individuals or entities
- Violating the right of publicity, privacy rights, or information protection rights without consent, including taking photographs of others without consent
- Infringing on patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights or proprietary rights
- Acquiring, selling, leasing, renting, or providing, without our prior written consent, service accounts, messages, service usernames, or friend links
- Developing third-party applications that interact with User Content or the service without our prior written consent
- Engaging in illegal or unauthorized use of the service, participating in activities contrary to these Terms, or encouraging or promoting such activities
Additionally, you agree to comply with third-party terms, including the iTunes App Store Service Terms and Android Market Service Terms, which apply to the service and to the posting of reviews on the service. Revealing service usernames in App Store reviews is strictly prohibited and may result in the deletion of service accounts.

6. Service Usage Permission

We grant you a personal, worldwide, free of charge (royalty-free), non-transferable, and non-exclusive license to use the software provided as part of the service. This license is given for the purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the rights of access to the service in accordance with the methods allowed by these Terms.
1) Account Information: To use the service, you need to create an account with us. You are responsible for securing your login information, and you are responsible for all activities that occur through your account.

7. Our Rights

All rights, ownership, and interests in the service (excluding user-provided content) are the exclusive property of us and our licensors. The service is protected by copyright, trademark, and other laws in Japan and other countries.
None of the content in these Terms grants you the right to use our name, copyrights, logos, domain names, or other proprietary brands.
Any feedback, opinions, or suggestions you provide regarding our services, for which you may have rights, is entirely voluntary, and we may use such feedback, opinions, or suggestions for you without any obligation to you, as we deem appropriate.

8. Copyright Policy

We respect the intellectual property rights of others, and we expect users of the service to do the same. We will respond to notices of alleged copyright infringement based on applicable laws if we receive appropriate notice. If your content is deemed to be in violation of copyright laws, and if the service provides management functions such as content deletion and private settings based on copyright laws, you can directly control the use or access of others through these means. You can also request measures such as content deletion, non-publication, and exclusion from search results through the customer center. However, in some services, processing such as deletion and non-publication may be difficult, and you should check the information on each service, notice, customer center help, etc.
We have the authority to delete content suspected of infringement without prior notice based on our discretion, and in this case, we are not responsible to you. Additionally, we will suspend the accounts of users judged to repeatedly infringe intellectual property rights, depending on the situation.

9. Disclaimer

1) You acknowledge, agree, and accept the possibility of using materials from others that may be considered offensive or otherwise unpleasant when accessing or using the service, and you agree to accept such risks. The views expressed on our website or through the service do not necessarily represent our views. We do not endorse or support specific content posted by you or other users. Specific content from third parties may be inaccurately classified, graded, or categorized.
2) We do not assume responsibility for providing security measures for content protection or for damages resulting from the publication of content.
3) Disclaimer: You explicitly understand and agree that the service and materials are provided to you "as is" without any explicit, implied, statutory, or other warranties to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. For example, we do not guarantee:
(a) that the service or materials meet your requirements, are continuously available, unobstructed, timely, secure, error-free, or that
(b) the results obtained from the use of the site, service, or materials are effective, accurate, or reliable, or
(c) errors or defects in the site, service, or materials are corrected.
4) We may suspend the provision of all or part of the service without prior notice if any of the following apply. In this case, we are not responsible for any damages even if you incur them.
(1) When performing maintenance or repair of the system
(2) In the event of accidents, natural disasters, wars, riots, labor disputes, or other force majeure events that make it impossible to provide the service
(3) In the event of a system failure or if the system is overloaded
(4) When it is necessary to ensure the safety of customers or third parties or in case of emergency for public interest
(5) In addition to the above (1) to (4), when we determine it is necessary and reasonable

10. Limitation of Our Liability

Except as prohibited by law, under no circumstances will we or our affiliates be liable for indirect, special, punitive, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from (a) the use or inability to use the service, (b) the provision of materials available through the service or within the service, or (c) the actions of other users of the service, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages. You are solely responsible for your use of the service. If you are dissatisfied with the service or any content, your sole remedy is to discontinue using the service. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation of liability, so the above limitations may not apply to you.

11. Termination

1) You may discontinue your use of the service at any time.
2) We may add, modify, or remove service features and may suspend or terminate the service. Additionally, we may interrupt your access to the service, add restrictions to your use of the service, or set new restrictions at any time.
3) If you have paid fees for the service or related services before termination, such fees will be refunded in accordance with applicable laws. However, if you terminate without claiming a refund, it may be difficult to process the refund due to record deletion. Also, any payment obligations already incurred at the time of account termination will not be waived.
4) In the event of termination or suspension of the service, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you and provide an opportunity for content retrieval. If your group administrator terminates your access to the service, you or other members of the group will no longer have access to content posted in shared workgroups or shared workspaces.

12. General Provisions

1) Export Controls: You acknowledge that your use and handling of the service and service-related content are subject to domestic and international laws, restrictions, and regulations governing the import, export, and use of the service and Aitori content. You agree to comply with all such laws, restrictions, and regulations.
2) Interpretation: The Japanese version of these Terms will be used for the interpretation of this agreement.
3) Severability: If a court deems any part of these Terms invalid or unenforceable, the remaining portions of these Terms will continue to be valid.
4) No Waiver: Our failure to enforce these Terms (or delay in doing so) does not constitute a waiver of our rights to enforce these Terms.
5) Assignment: You may not transfer or assign your rights or obligations under these Terms to a third party without our written consent. We may transfer rights and obligations to you without your consent (including but not limited to mergers, acquisitions, or the sale of part of the service).
6) Entire Agreement: These Terms constitute the complete and exclusive agreement between us and you concerning the service, and all prior agreements between us and you regarding the service are not effective. We may modify these Terms at any time. When revising the terms, we will announce the effective date, changes, and reasons through the service from 7 days before the effective date. However, if the changes are legally disadvantageous to you, we will not only announce them through the service 30 days before the effective date but will also notify you individually via email or other means. If you do not agree to the modified terms, you can terminate the usage agreement for the service concluded through these terms and interrupt the use of the service. When we announce or notify the amendment to the terms, if you do not express your refusal before the effective date, you will be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms, and even if you explicitly refuse despite the announcement or notification, you will be deemed to have agreed to the amended terms.

13. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The governing law for these Terms is Japanese law, and even if part of these Terms is deemed invalid, the other provisions will remain in effect. In the event of litigation or other actions arising between you and us, the Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive jurisdiction court for the first instance.

Supplementary Provisions

1. These Terms apply to users in Japan, and users using the service in the United States and other countries will be subject to the terms posted or displayed in that country.
2. The amendments to these Terms will be effective from December 12, 2023.






当社はプライバシーポリシーを本規約と別途に掲示し、プライバシーポリシーについて別途同意を受けます。 プライバシーポリシーに同意する場合は、プライバシーポリシーに記載されたサービスによる情報の収集、利用および共有に同意することになります。


本サービスはユーザーが写真、動画またはその他の資料を含みますが、これに限らないコンテンツ(以下総称して「ユーザーコンテンツ」といいます。)を創作、掲示、転送、または保存できるようにする双方向機能および要素で構成されます。 お客様はサービスを利用したことによって発生する全てのデータ使用料を負担することを理解します。
当社は、いかなる場合でも理由を問わず、ユーザーコンテンツを検討、確認、削除する権利と完全な裁量を保有する一方、それに対する義務を負いません。 お客様はお客様のユーザーコンテンツに対する知的財産権その他の権利一切を保有します。


Aitoriコンテンツの無断使用は法律および本規約に違反する場合があります。 本規約に明示的に規定されている場合を除き、当社はAitoriコンテンツ使用に対する明示的または黙示的な権利を与えません。


また、お客様はサービスに適用され、またはサービスのレビューの投稿に適用されるiTunes App Storeサービス規約とAndroid Marketサービス規約を含めた第三者規約を遵守することに同意します。 App Storeのレビューにサービスユーザー名を掲示することは厳しく禁じられ、サービスアカウントが削除される場合があります。


当社はお客様にサービスの一環として提供したソフトウェアを使用できる個人的かつ全世界的であり、無償の(royalty-free)、譲渡不可能であり、非独占的なライセンスを付与します。 このライセンスは当社が提供するサービスの利用権を本規約で許容された方式に従って利用し楽しめるようにするための目的で与えられます。
1)アカウント情報:サービスを利用するためには当社にアカウントを開設する必要があります。 お客様はログイン情報を安全に保護する責任があり、お客様のアカウントを通じて発生するすべての活動と関連して当社に対して責任を負います。


サービス(ユーザーが提供するコンテンツを除く)に関するすべての権利、所有権および利益は、当社および当社のライセンサーの独占的財産です。 サービスは国内およびその他の国の著作権法、商標法およびその他法の保護を受けます。


当社は他人の知的財産権を尊重し、サービス使用者もそうであることを期待します。 当社は著作権侵害の疑いについて、関連法に基づき、適切になされた通知を受領した場合には、当該通知に回答します。
お客様のコンテンツが著作権侵害に該当する方式で複製されたと判断される場合、お客様は著作権法等関連法に基づき、サービス内にコンテンツ削除、非公開などの管理機能が提供される場合、これを通じて直接他人の利用またはアクセスを統制することができ、顧客センターを通じてコンテンツの削除、非公開、検索結果除外などの措置を要請することができます。 ただし、一部のサービスの場合、削除、非公開などの処理が難しい場合があり、このような内容は各サービス上の案内、お知らせ、カスタマーセンターヘルプなどでご確認いただきますようお願いいたします。
当社は当社の独自の裁量に基づき侵害が疑われるコンテンツを事前通知なしに削除する権限を持ち、この場合、お客様に対する責任は負いません。 また、当社は状況によって繰り返し知的財産権を侵害するものと判断される利用者のアカウントを停止します。


1) あなたはサービスにアクセスしたりサービスを利用することで侮辱的であったりその他不愉快なものと見なされる他人の資料に使用され得ることを認め、これに同意し、そのような危険を甘受することに同意します。 当社のウェブサイトまたはサービスを通じて表現される見解は必ずしも当社の見解を代表するものではありません。 当社はお客様または他のユーザーが掲示した特定コンテンツに賛成し、または支持するものではありません。 第三者からの特定コンテンツは不正確に分類、等級表示または区分されることがあります。
3) 免責:お客様は関連法で許容される最大限度でサービスおよび資料が何らかの類型の明示的、黙示的、法定またはその他の保証なしに"ありのまま"お客様に提供されることを明示的に理解し、これに同意します。 例えば、当社は(a)サービスまたは資料がお客様の必要条件を満たしたり、継続して利用可能で、遮断されず、時宜にかなった、安全で、間違いがないこと、(b)サイト、サービスまたは資料の利用において取得される結果は、有効であったり、正確であったり、信頼できること、(c)サイト、サービスまたは資料の誤りや欠陥は修正されること、について保証しません。
4) 当社は、以下のいずれかに該当する場合、あらかじめお客様に通知することなく、サービスの全部または一部の提供を中止することができます。この場合、お客様に損害が生じた場合であっても、当社は責任を負いません。
(1) システムのメンテナンスまたは修理の実施を行う場合
(2) 火災・停電等の事故、天災、戦争、暴動、労働争議等の不可抗力により、サービスの提供ができなくなった場合
(3) システムの障害が発生した場合またはシステムに負荷が集中した場合
(4) お客様または第三者の安全を確保する場合または公共の利益のために緊急を要する場合
(5) (1)から(4)までに定めるもののほか、当社が必要と合理的に判断した場合


お客様はお客様のサービス利用に対して一切の責任を負います。 サービスまたはコンテンツの一切に対して不満足な場合、お客様の唯一の救済手段はサービスの利用中断です。


2)当社はサービス機能を追加、変更または除去することができ、サービスを中断または中止することができます。 また、当社はお客様に対するサービス提供を中断したり、いつでもサービスに対する制限を追加したり、新しい制限を設定したりできます。
3) 解約前にあなたがサービスのため、またはこれと関連し支払った手数料がある場合、そのような手数料は関連法令に定められた内容に従って払い戻されます。 但し、払い戻しを請求せずに解約をする場合、関連記録の削除などにより払い戻しが困難になることがありますので、解約前に必要な払い戻し手続きをすべて履行してください。 また、アカウント解約の際にもすでに発生した支払義務は免除されません。


1)輸出規制:あなたはサービスとサービス利用および取り扱いがサービスおよびAitoriコンテンツの輸入、輸出および利用を規律する国内法および国際法、制限および規定の適用を受けることを認めます。 あなたはそれらのすべての法、制限および規定を遵守することに同意します。
5)譲渡または移転:あなたは本規約による権利または義務を当社の書面許可なしに第三者に譲渡または移転することはできません。 当社は(当社の買収合併、サービス一部売却などの場合を含みますが、これに限られません。)お客様の許可なしにお客様に対する権利および義務を移転することができます。
6)完全な合意:本規約はサービスに関して当社とお客様間の完全かつ排他的な合意を構成し、サービスと関連した当社とお客様間のすべての既存合意は効力がありません。 当社は随時、本規約を変更することができます。 規約を改正する場合、適用日と変更内容および理由を明示し、適用日の7日前からサービスを通じて公示します。
ただし、その変更内容が法的にお客様に不利なものである場合、その適用日の30日前から同一の内容をサービスを通じて公示するだけでなく、当該内容をお客様の電子メールなどで個別に通知します。 お客様は変更される規約に同意しない場合、本規約を通じて締結されたサービスに対する利用契約を解約し、サービス利用を中断することができるようになります。 当社が規約の改正を公示または通知する際、適用日以前に拒否意思を表示しなければ、改正規約に同意したものとみなされると共に、公示または通知したにもかかわらず、お客様が明示的に拒絶の意思表示をしない場合、お客様は改正規約に同意したものとみなします。





